Я хочу сделать суперпасту и написал это в AHK. Мой код неверен? Я получаю ошибку в обоих сценариях

Сценарий 1

Send Send {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}
Sleep, 100
Send !Tab
Sleep, 100
Send Send {Ctrl Down}v{Ctrl Up}
Sleep, 100
Send Enter
Sleep, 10
Send Enter
Sleep, 100
Send !Tab

Сценарий 2

Send ^c
Sleep, 100
Send !Tab
Sleep, 100
Send ^v

1 ответ1


Сценарий 1

;SetKeyDelay, 300 ;Sets the delay(Time in milliseconds) that will occur after each keystroke sent by Send and ControlSend. uncomment if something wrong
^+c:: ; ctrl+shift+c
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
Send ^c
ClipWait 3 ; Waits 3 sec until the clipboard contains data.
Send !{Tab} ; Switch between the two most recent tasks (is it notepad?)
Sleep, 200
Send {End} ; move to end line
Send {Enter} ; new line
Send {Enter} ; new line separator
Send ^v
Sleep, 200
Send !{Tab} ; Switch between the two most recent tasks (moving back)

Ctrl + Shift + C, чтобы активировать.

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