Я установил и настроил сервер Direct Connect.
Когда я запускаю программу, она выдает "Uhub запущен и слушает 1511 ....."
Но когда я использую клиент DC++ для подключения к указанному выше концентратору, клиент выдает ошибку Invalid CID, а когда я проверяю журнал UHUB, на нем написано «USER: ошибка входа. Msg_inf_cid_invalid».
Ниже находится файл users.conf
# uHub access control lists.
# Syntax: <command> [data]
# commands:
# 'user_reg' - registered user with no particular privileges (data=nick:password)
# 'user_op' - operator, can kick or ban people (data=nick:password)
# 'user_admin' - administrator, can do everything operators can, and reconfigure the hub (data=nick:password)
# 'deny_nick' - nick name that is not accepted (example; Administrator)
# 'deny_ip' - Unacceptable IP (masks can be specified as CIDR: will block all IPv4)
# 'ban_nick' - banned user by nick
# 'ban_cid' - banned user by cid
# Administrator
# user_admin userA:password1
# user_op userB:password2
# We don't want users with these names
deny_nick Hub-Security
deny_nick Administrator
deny_nick root
deny_nick admin
deny_nick username
deny_nick user
deny_nick guest
deny_nick operator
# Banned users
# ban_nick H4X0R
# ban by ip
# to ban by CIDR
# deny_ip
# to ban by IP-range.
# deny_ip
# to ban a single IP address
# deny_ip
# (which is equivalent to using):
# deny_ip
# Will not work, yet
# nat_ip
# nat_ip
# If you have made changes to this file, you must send a HANGUP signal
# to uHub so that it will re-read the configuration files.
# For example by invoking: 'killall -HUP uhub'
И мой файл uhub.conf
# uhub.conf - A example configuration file.
# You should normally place this file in /etc/uhub/uhub.conf
# And change the file_acl and file_motd below.
# This file is read only to the uhub deamon, and if you
# make changes to it while uhub is running you can send a
# HUP signal to it, to reparse configuration (only on UNIX).
# Bind to this port and address
# server_bind_addr=any means listen to "::" if IPv6 is supported
# by the host OS, otherwise
# The maximum amount of users allowed on the hub.
# If 1, will show a "This hub is running uhub/version".
# Allow only registered users on the hub if set to 1.
# A server name and description.
hub_description=Powered by uHub
# Set this to 0, and the hub will disconnect everyone
# Access control list (user database)
# This file can contain a message of the day. A welcome
# message send to any client when connecting.
# If the file does not exist, is empty, or cannot be opened
# the motd will not be sent to the clients.
# Normally this message is sent to clients when connecting.
# Configure status message as sent to clients in different circumstances.
msg_hub_full = Hub is full
msg_hub_disabled = Hub is disabled
msg_hub_registered_users_only = Hub is for registered users only
msg_inf_error_nick_missing = No nickname given
msg_inf_error_nick_multiple = Multiple nicknames given
msg_inf_error_nick_invalid = Nickname is invalid
msg_inf_error_nick_long = Nickname too long
msg_inf_error_nick_short = Nickname too short
msg_inf_error_nick_spaces = Nickname cannot start with spaces
msg_inf_error_nick_bad_chars = Nickname contains invalid characters
msg_inf_error_nick_not_utf8 = Nickname is not valid utf8
msg_inf_error_nick_taken = Nickname is already in use
msg_inf_error_nick_restricted = Nickname cannot be used on this hub
msg_inf_error_cid_invalid = CID is not valid
msg_inf_error_cid_missing = CID is not specified
msg_inf_error_cid_taken = CID is taken
msg_inf_error_pid_missing = PID is not specified
msg_inf_error_pid_invalid = PID is invalid
msg_ban_permanently = Banned permanently
msg_ban_temporarily = Banned temporarily
msg_auth_invalid_password = Password is wrong
msg_auth_user_not_found = User not found in password database
msg_error_no_memory = No memory
Я попытался повозиться со всеми настройками, но все еще не смог выяснить проблему.