Возможно ли иметь кнопку "Новое окно" на панели инструментов в Safari (6+)?

2 ответа2

Backup Safari.
Install XCode. A bit of overkill for that one button, yes.
Open Safari's package contents (control-click and select Show Package Contents)
Navigate into Contents/Resources/English.lproj
Open ToolbarItems.nib (double clicking should open with Interface Builder)
In the 'ToolbarItems.nib (English)' window, double click on 'First Responder.'
Press Command-Shift-I to bring up the Inspector window, if it's not already open
In the Inspector window, press Command-1 to make sure you're looking at 'Attributes.' Click on Add, and create a new item called newWindow.
In the 'Toolbar Items' window, click on one of the 'torn pictures' and press Command-Shift-I to bring up the Inspector window if it's not already open.
Select the one nearest the Address bar (this should correspond to the placement in the Customise Toolbar menu); this is the 'Add Bookmark' button.
Press Command-2 or choose Connections. Select 'newWindow' and click 'Change Action' or simply double-click on it; there should be a round pushbutton icon next to it now.
Save, quit and test.

Это набор направлений, измененных здесь

Это много, что нужно сделать вместо того, чтобы просто нажимать [Command+N] на клавиатуре, когда Safari открыт.


В заключение! Я написал свое собственное расширение:

Кнопка «Новое окно» - расширение Safari

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