Я пытаюсь запустить пример MOBS - Mobile Robot Simulator, я пытаюсь установить требования и запустить пример, но я новичок в Linux, поэтому не понимаю, как выполнить эти шаги:
1. XView
For the User-Interface.
At least the includes and the xview- and olgx-library!
2. DevGuide
The Interface-builder. For recompilation, the includes and
the guide- and guidexv-libraries must be available.
(set the GUIDEHOME-variable to the devguide-directory)
3. PVM-library
For communications between differenc processen.
4. OpenInventor (from SGI)
This is needed for the camera-view-generation.
И эти:
Now set the Env-variable MOBS_HOME and add $MOBS_HOME/bin.$(HOSTTYPE)
and $MOBS_HOME/cmd to your path-variable.
Example commands to add to your '.cshrc'-startup-script if you have
unpack the packages in your home-directory.
# .cshrc-addition
if (-d ~/mobs) then
setenv MOBS_HOME ~/mobs
set path = ( $path $MOBS_HOME/bin.$HOSTTYPE )
NOTE: The ivd_server use the MOBS_HOME-variable for referencing the
files in the $MOBS_HOME/iv-directory.
Now add at least the bin-directory in which the ivd_server-program is
located to your .pvm-hosts-file.
Example '.pvm-hosts'-file if you have a SGI namend 'munch' and a SUN4 named
# first entry: hostname
# second entry: place of executables
# second entry: place of executables
# pvm-examples
salvador ep=/home/stolz/mobs/bin.sun4
munch ep=/home/stolz/mobs/bin.iris4d
## or more elegant:
Я пытаюсь, но Linux сильно отличается от программ установки Windows. Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне, пожалуйста?
Вы можете скачать его здесь.