Код ниже проясняет вопрос в заголовке. Что можно положить в ГДЕ, чтобы оно заработало?

(StartTime smalldatetime,
 EndTime smalldatetime)

INSERT INTO #PickedTimes
VALUES  ('2019-01-25 16:05', '2019-01-25 17:05'),
        ('2019-01-25 19:05', '2019-01-25 20:05')
--Each row is a time range. There would be more in the real situation, and it is desirable to define them this way.

SELECT * FROM #PickedTimes

-- No questions up to here.

SELECT TransactionID, Timestamp
FROM Transactions
WHERE Timestamp -- SOMETHING WITH #PickedTimes. How to make it pick any of the time ranges in #PickedTimes?

1 ответ1


Вероятно, вам нужно это:

SELECT TransactionID, Timestamp
FROM Transactions INNER JOIN #PickedTimes
WHERE Transactions.Timestamp >= #PickedTimes.StartTime 
    AND Transactions.Timestamp <= #PickedTimes.EndTime

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