Компьютеру с Windows 10 не удается выполнить обновление с необычной ошибкой WU_E_NO_USERTOKEN, несмотря на сообщение о чистом состоянии (сторонний антивирус не установлен)

PS> systeminfo
OS Name:      Microsoft Windows 10 Pro N
OS Version:   10.0.15063 N/A Build 15063
Hotfix(s):    3 Hotfix(s) Installed.
              [01]: KB4022405     [thats the servicing stack 2017-06-13]
              [02]: KB4022730     [thats the flash player 2017-06-13]
              [03]: KB4022725     [thats windows 10 update 15063.413]

> sfc /scannow
Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

> dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
No component store corruption detected.
The operation completed successfully.

Это сообщение с экрана обновления:

There were some problems installing updates, but we’ll try again later.
If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information,
this may help: (0x80070426)

Я думаю, что 0x80070426 - то же самое, что ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE, хотя я не могу видеть, на какую службу это будет ссылаться.

Что могло пойти не так? Какие еще журналы я должен просмотреть в надежде определить причину? Как я могу изолировать ошибку от внутренних обновлений Windows? Любые предложения высоко ценится.

Шаги предприняты:

используя PS> Get-WindowsUpdateLog я получил читаемые журналы:

Agent           [agent]WU client version 10.0.15063.168
Agent           [agent]Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
Agent           [store]Datastore directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb
DataStore       [store]JetEnableMultiInstance succeeded - applicable param count: 5, applied param count: 5
Shared          [susenginelib]UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 0.
Shared          [susenginelib]UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
Shared          [agent]Network state: Connected
Misc            [regutil]LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed, hr = 8024000C
Shared          [susenginelib]UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 0.
Shared          [susenginelib]UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
Shared          [agent]Power status changed
Agent           [agent]Initializing global settings cache
Agent           [agent]WSUS server: NULL
Agent           [agent]WSUS status server: NULL
Agent           [agent]Alternate Download Server: NULL
Agent           [agent]Fill Empty Content Urls: No
Agent           [agent]Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
Agent           [agent]Windows Update access disabled: No
Agent           [agent]Initializing Windows Update Agent
DownloadManager [agent]Download manager restoring 0 downloads
Agent           [agent]CPersistentTimeoutScheduler | GetTimer, returned hr = 0x00000000
DownloadManager [agent]PurgeExpiredFiles::Found 0 expired files to delete.
DownloadManager [agent]PurgeExpiredUpdates::Found 1 non expired updates.
DownloadManager [agent]PurgeExpiredUpdates::Found 0 expired updates.
DownloadManager [agent]Received power state change notification: Old: <unknown>; New: AC.
DownloadManager [agent]Power state changed from <unknown> to AC.
ComApi          [comapi]* START *   Federated Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV: DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.0.1.0)
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (SR.UpdateOrchestrator ID 1) started; operation # 4; does<NULL> use network; is not at background priority<NULL>
Agent           [agent]Processing auto/pending service registrations and recovery.
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (SR.UpdateOrchestrator ID 1, operation # 4) stopped; does<NULL> use network; is not at background priority<NULL>
ComApi          [comapi]Federated Search: Starting search against 2 service(s) (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.0.1.0)
ComApi          [comapi]* START *   Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 2) started; operation # 7; does<NULL> use network; is not at background priority<NULL>
Agent           [agent]* START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 2]
Agent           [agent]Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is not in sequential scan list
Agent           [agent]Added service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 to sequential scan list
ComApi          [comapi]* START *   Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
Agent           [agent]Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is in sequential scan list
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 3) started; operation # 10; does<NULL> use network; is not at background priority<NULL>
Agent           [agent]* END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 2]
Agent           [agent]* START * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 2
Agent           [agent]Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
Agent           [agent]Criteria = IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1""
Agent           [agent]ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
Agent           [agent]Search Scope = {Machine}
Agent           [agent]Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-3763057220-2112301883-1427527280-1001
Agent           [agent]ProcessDriverDeferrals is set
Agent           [agent]* START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 3]
Agent           [agent]Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is not in sequential scan list
Agent           [agent]Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is not in sequential scan list
Agent           [agent]* END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 3]
Agent           [agent]* START * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 3
Agent           [agent]Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
Agent           [agent]Criteria = IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1""
Agent           [agent]ServiceID = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552} Third party service
Agent           [agent]Search Scope = {Machine}
Agent           [agent]Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-3763057220-2112301883-1427527280-1001
Agent           [agent]ProcessDriverDeferrals is set
Misc            [endpointproviders]Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir Client/Server URL: https://fe2.update.microsoft.com/v6/ClientWebService/client.asmx""
Driver          [lib]Skipping printer driver 4 due to incomplete info or mismatched environment - HWID[microsoftmicrosoft_musd] Provider[Microsoft] MfgName[Microsoft] Name[Microsoft enhanced Point and Print compatibility driver] pEnvironment[Windows NT x86] LocalPrintServerEnv[Windows x64]
Misc            [endpointproviders]Got 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 redir Client/Server URL: https://fe3.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/ClientWebService/client.asmx""
Misc            [store]Token Requested with 0 category IDs.

Вот где появляется странный код ошибки:

Misc            [store]GetUserTickets: No user tickets found. Returning WU_E_NO_USERTOKEN.
Misc            [store]GetDeviceTickets failed with error 80070426
Misc            [store]GetDeviceTickets failed with error 80070426
Misc            [store]Unable to obtain device tickets as Local System, error 80070426
Misc            [store]AddTickets failed with error 80070426
Misc            [store]Failed to generate security token with auth tickets; error 0x80070426
Misc            [store]Failed to acquire Agent Token From Server, hr 0x80070426
Misc            [store]Failed to Retrieve Agent Token, hr 0x80070426
Misc            [endpointproviders]EP: error: 0x80070426: Call to GetEndpointToken failed
Misc            [endpointproviders]Failed to obtain service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 plugin Client/Server auth token of type 0x00000001, error = 0x80070426
ProtocolTalker  [agent]CAgentProtocolTalkerContext::DetermineServiceEndpoint failed, hr=0x80070426
ProtocolTalker  [agent]Initialization failed for Protocol Talker Context 0x80070426
Agent           [agent]Exit code = 0x80070426
Agent           [agent]* END * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 3
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 3, operation # 10) stopped; does<NULL> use network; is not at background priority<NULL>
ComApi          [comapi]*RESUMED*   Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
ComApi          [comapi]Exit code = 0x00000000, Result code = 0x80070426 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
ComApi          [comapi]* END *   Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, Updates found = 0, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
ComApi          [comapi]Failed to process completed federation member search, hr=0x80070426, code=6 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.0.1.0)
ProtocolTalker  [agent]ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL = https://fe2.update.microsoft.com/v6/ClientWebService/client.asmx
ProtocolTalker  [agent]OK to reuse existing configuration
ProtocolTalker  [agent]OK to reuse existing configuration
ProtocolTalker  [agent]PTWarn: Anonymous plug-in skipped for WU
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetCookie_WithRecovery) started; operation # 11; does<NULL> use network; is<NULL> at background priority<NULL>
WebServices     [webserviceinfra]Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetCookie_WithRecovery, operation # 11) stopped; does<NULL> use network; is<NULL> at background priority<NULL>
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6CD9712A-521C-4AF1-9511-61B59EFF147A.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: B731D43D-5A03-4D80-B4F1-187B9EED6901.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 2316DA64-1300-4912-BA4B-729E60D0A3BE.204
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: ADE56166-6D55-45A5-9E31-0FAC924E4BBE.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6DA1A66F-8940-49F1-8F50-B57EB517C9B6.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: EDE0C184-119B-442F-A6F7-6B014FD64727.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 200F429C-9BCF-4446-89AF-EB5FC0CDBC07.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3D32769F-52F8-4C4C-B198-5ADD18772685.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3A4111B7-7238-4B2D-B744-9537B1C6CDFC.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 78F23AEE-D5FF-4B13-9ED7-8964463592C6.201
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 12; does<NULL> use network; is<NULL> at background priority<NULL>
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 12) stopped; does<NULL> use network; is<NULL> at background priority<NULL>
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6CD9712A-521C-4AF1-9511-61B59EFF147A.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: B731D43D-5A03-4D80-B4F1-187B9EED6901.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 2316DA64-1300-4912-BA4B-729E60D0A3BE.204
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: ADE56166-6D55-45A5-9E31-0FAC924E4BBE.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6DA1A66F-8940-49F1-8F50-B57EB517C9B6.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: EDE0C184-119B-442F-A6F7-6B014FD64727.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 200F429C-9BCF-4446-89AF-EB5FC0CDBC07.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3D32769F-52F8-4C4C-B198-5ADD18772685.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3A4111B7-7238-4B2D-B744-9537B1C6CDFC.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 78F23AEE-D5FF-4B13-9ED7-8964463592C6.201
ProtocolTalker  [agent]PTInfo: syncing with server using normal query
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 13; does<NULL> use network; is<NULL> at background priority<NULL>
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 13) stopped; does<NULL> use network; is<NULL> at background priority<NULL>
ProtocolTalker  [agent]SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 0 metadata signatures checked using Unknown enforcement mode.
ProtocolTalker  [agent]SyncUpdates round trips: 2
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6CD9712A-521C-4AF1-9511-61B59EFF147A.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: B731D43D-5A03-4D80-B4F1-187B9EED6901.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 2316DA64-1300-4912-BA4B-729E60D0A3BE.204
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: ADE56166-6D55-45A5-9E31-0FAC924E4BBE.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6DA1A66F-8940-49F1-8F50-B57EB517C9B6.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: EDE0C184-119B-442F-A6F7-6B014FD64727.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 200F429C-9BCF-4446-89AF-EB5FC0CDBC07.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3D32769F-52F8-4C4C-B198-5ADD18772685.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3A4111B7-7238-4B2D-B744-9537B1C6CDFC.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 78F23AEE-D5FF-4B13-9ED7-8964463592C6.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6CD9712A-521C-4AF1-9511-61B59EFF147A.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: B731D43D-5A03-4D80-B4F1-187B9EED6901.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 2316DA64-1300-4912-BA4B-729E60D0A3BE.204
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: ADE56166-6D55-45A5-9E31-0FAC924E4BBE.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 6DA1A66F-8940-49F1-8F50-B57EB517C9B6.201
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: EDE0C184-119B-442F-A6F7-6B014FD64727.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 200F429C-9BCF-4446-89AF-EB5FC0CDBC07.200
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3D32769F-52F8-4C4C-B198-5ADD18772685.201
Agent           [agent]Update deferred by policy: 3A4111B7-7238-4B2D-B744-9537B1C6CDFC.200
Agent           [agent]Update excluded by policy: 78F23AEE-D5FF-4B13-9ED7-8964463592C6.201
Agent           [agent]Update D43ECD2D-0179-4CFD-943E-FAE7B66F4F89.200 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
Agent           [agent]Update 45CA72F6-AC0E-47DD-9D33-682766A8EC40.200 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
Agent           [agent]Added update 1AE333AC-9DBA-45F5-AD7A-304EB9771D75.200 to search result
Agent           [agent]Found 1 updates and 27 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 1367 out of 2067 deployed entities
Agent           [agent]* END * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator  Id = 2
IdleTimer       [agent]WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 2, operation # 7) stopped; does<NULL> use network; is not at background priority<NULL>
ComApi          [comapi]*RESUMED*   Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
ComApi          [comapi]* END *   Search ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator, Updates found = 1, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.
ComApi          [comapi]* END *   All federated searches have completed. Jobs = 2, Succeeded = 1, ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator (cV = DzIeGSPtj0OdJrpi.0.1.0)
ComApi          [comapi]ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
ComApi          [comapi]ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
ComApi          [comapi]ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
Misc            [agent]CSusClientGlobal::DoServicePreShutdown
IdleTimer       [agent]Idle timer disabled in preparation for service shutdown
Misc            [agent]WUTaskManager uninit
Misc            [susenginelib]CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:2, Enable:No
Misc            [susenginelib]CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:4, Enable:No
Misc            [agent]Agent uninit
Handler         [lib]CUHCbsHandler::CancelDownloadRequest called
Misc            [agent]network cost manager uninit
Misc            [agent]Eventer uninit
Misc            [agent]ServiceManager uninit
Misc            [agent]PersistentTimeoutScheduler uninit
Misc            [agent]datastore uninit
Misc            [agent]setting cache uninit
Misc            [agent]security checker uninit
Misc            [agent]Test Hook uninit
Misc            [agent]IdleTimer uninit
Shared          [agent]* END * Service exit Exit code = 0x240001

Журналы WER также не очень конкретны

Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: WindowsUpdateFailure3
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: 10.0.15063.168
P2: 80070426
P3: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
P4: Scan
P5: 0
P6: 0
P7: 0
P8: UpdateOrchestrator
P9: {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552}
P10: 0

1 ответ1


Убедитесь, что служба помощника по Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant настроена на автоматический запуск и работает. Я отключил эту службу, поскольку мне не требовалось разрешать "... вход пользователя через службы идентификации учетных записей Microsoft".

Забавный факт, дети: выясняется , что Центр обновления Windows делает на самом деле хотите , чтобы сделать это, и если он не может , то он дуется с ошибкой 80070426. Забавно, а?

Всё ещё ищете ответ? Посмотрите другие вопросы с метками .