Я сделал несколько изменений в ваших исходных данных.
В частности, я добавил последнюю строку, которая имеет ABC Corp.
но не в порядке, а также имеет Note
отличное от других записей.
Вы можете увидеть, как это обрабатывается в кодировке, и, если необходимо, вы можете использовать похожую технику, если у вас также были разные телефонные номера.
Для телефонных номеров я удалил нечисловые элементы, чтобы они могли отображаться в едином формате, если они не введены единообразно. Возможно, вам придется изменить этот алгоритм в зависимости от изменчивости ваших реальных данных.
Я сделал некоторое форматирование, чтобы результаты выглядели хорошо. Вы можете предпочесть ни одного или другое форматирование. Вам также может понадобиться настроить имена рабочих листов в обычном модуле.
Обязательно прочитайте и поймите код и примечания, чтобы иметь возможность поддерживать это в будущем.
Исходные данные:

Модуль класса
Обязательно переименуйте этот cCompanyInfo
Option Explicit
'Rename this class module: cCompanyInfo
Const dictKey = 1
Const dictItem = 2
Private pCompany As String
Private pBranch As String
Private pPhone As Currency
Private pNote As String
Private pNotes As Dictionary
Private pFirstName As String
Private pLastName As String
Private pTitle As String
Private pNameTitles As Dictionary
Public Property Get Company() As String
Company = pCompany
End Property
Public Property Let Company(Value As String)
pCompany = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Branch() As String
Branch = pBranch
End Property
Public Property Let Branch(Value As String)
pBranch = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Phone() As Currency
Phone = pPhone
End Property
Public Property Let Phone(Value As Currency)
pPhone = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Note() As String
Note = pNote
End Property
Public Property Let Note(Value As String)
pNote = Value
End Property
Public Property Get FirstName() As String
FirstName = pFirstName
End Property
Public Property Let FirstName(Value As String)
pFirstName = Value
End Property
Public Property Get LastName() As String
LastName = pLastName
End Property
Public Property Let LastName(Value As String)
pLastName = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Title() As String
Title = pTitle
End Property
Public Property Let Title(Value As String)
pTitle = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Notes() As Dictionary
Set Notes = pNotes
End Property
Public Function ADDNote(Value As String)
If Not pNotes.Exists(Value) Then pNotes.Add Value, Value
End Function
Public Property Get NameTitles() As Dictionary
Set NameTitles = pNameTitles
End Property
Public Function ADDNameTitle(S As String)
If Not pNameTitles.Exists(S) Then pNameTitles.Add S, S
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pNotes = New Dictionary
Set pNameTitles = New Dictionary
End Sub
'Dictionary Sort routine
'Shamelessly copied From https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/246067
Public Sub SortDictionary(objDict, intSort)
' declare our variables
Dim strDict()
Dim objKey
Dim strKey, strItem
Dim X, Y, Z
' get the dictionary count
Z = objDict.Count
' we need more than one item to warrant sorting
If Z > 1 Then
' create an array to store dictionary information
ReDim strDict(Z, 2)
X = 0
' populate the string array
For Each objKey In objDict
strDict(X, dictKey) = CStr(objKey)
strDict(X, dictItem) = CStr(objDict(objKey))
X = X + 1
' perform a a shell sort of the string array
For X = 0 To (Z - 2)
For Y = X To (Z - 1)
If StrComp(strDict(X, intSort), strDict(Y, intSort), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strKey = strDict(X, dictKey)
strItem = strDict(X, dictItem)
strDict(X, dictKey) = strDict(Y, dictKey)
strDict(X, dictItem) = strDict(Y, dictItem)
strDict(Y, dictKey) = strKey
strDict(Y, dictItem) = strItem
End If
' erase the contents of the dictionary object
' repopulate the dictionary with the sorted information
For X = 0 To (Z - 1)
objDict.Add strDict(X, dictKey), strDict(X, dictItem)
End If
End Sub
Обычный модуль
Option Explicit
'Set Reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Sub ConsolidateCompanyInfo()
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet, wsRes As Worksheet, rRes As Range
Dim vSrc As Variant, vRes As Variant
Dim cCI As cCompanyInfo, dictCI As Dictionary
Dim sNT As String
Dim I As Long, J As Long, L As Currency, S As String
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
'Change worksheets names as appropriate
Set wsSrc = Worksheets("sheet1")
Set wsRes = Worksheets("sheet2")
Set rRes = wsRes.Cells(1, 1)
'Read the data into an array
With wsSrc
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
vSrc = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastCol))
End With
'Organize and Collect the data
Set dictCI = New Dictionary
For I = 2 To UBound(vSrc, 1)
Set cCI = New cCompanyInfo
With cCI
.Company = vSrc(I, 1)
.Branch = vSrc(I, 2)
'Remove non-numeric characters from phone number for consistency
'might need to add other Replace functions, or use Regex
L = Replace(vSrc(I, 3), "-", "")
.Phone = L
.Note = vSrc(I, 4)
.ADDNote .Note
.FirstName = vSrc(I, 5)
.LastName = vSrc(I, 6)
.Title = vSrc(I, 7)
sNT = .FirstName & " " & .LastName & ", " & .Title
.ADDNameTitle sNT
S = .Company & "|" & .Branch
If Not dictCI.Exists(S) Then
dictCI.Add S, cCI
dictCI(S).ADDNote .Note
dictCI(S).ADDNameTitle sNT
End If
End With
Next I
'Populate Results array
Dim V, W
I = 0
'First need to size the sections
Const lHeader As Long = 3 'Name, Branch, Phone number Rows
Dim lNotes As Long
Dim lContacts As Long
For Each V In dictCI
With dictCI(V)
lNotes = IIf(lNotes > .Notes.Count, lNotes, .Notes.Count)
lContacts = IIf(lContacts > .NameTitles.Count, lContacts, .NameTitles.Count)
End With
Next V
ReDim vRes(1 To lHeader + 1 + lNotes + 1 + lContacts, 1 To dictCI.Count)
J = 0
For Each V In dictCI
J = J + 1
With dictCI(V)
vRes(1, J) = .Company
vRes(2, J) = .Branch
vRes(3, J) = .Phone
I = lHeader + 1
For Each W In .Notes
I = I + 1
vRes(I, J) = .Notes(W)
Next W
I = lHeader + 1 + lNotes + 1
.SortDictionary .NameTitles, 1
For Each W In .NameTitles
I = I + 1
vRes(I, J) = .NameTitles(W)
Next W
End With
Next V
'Write the results
Set rRes = rRes.Resize(UBound(vRes, 1), UBound(vRes, 2))
With rRes
.Value = vRes
'Do some formatting to pretty things up
'You could certainly do something different
Range(.Rows(1), .Rows(lHeader)).Style = "Input"
Range(.Rows(lHeader + 2), .Rows(lHeader + 1 + lNotes)).Style = "Note"
Range(.Rows(lHeader + 1 + lNotes + 2), .Rows(lHeader + 1 + lNotes + 1 + lContacts)).Style = "Output"
With .Rows(3) 'Format the phone number
.NumberFormat = "000-000-0000"
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
End With
End With
End Sub