Вы можете попробовать это в AutoHotkey. Не выполняет даже элементарных вещей, таких как возможность изменить размер окна, но это может сработать для вас. Кроме того, первое поле ввода не помечено, но это рабочий каталог для использования. После того, как вы наберете команду и нажмете Enter, она автоматически включится после этого и будет автоматически запускаться после каждого нажатия клавиши.
; CommandConsole.ahk
myTitle := "Command Console"
myFont := "Courier New"
myFontSize := "10"
xMargin := 10, yMargin := 10
xSpace := 10, ySpace := 10
txtWidth := 700, butWidth := 100
inputHeight := 20
outputHeight := 600
firstRun := True
immediateExec := False
Gui, Add, Button, x0 y0 w0 h0 default gbutSubmit, ; default button used for grabbing text entry
vertical := yMargin
Gui, Font, % "s" myFontSize, % myFont
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" xMargin " y" vertical " w" txtWidth " h" inputHeight " vWorkingDir", . ; current directory is default working directory, i.e., "."
Gui, Font
Gui, Add, Button, % "x" xMargin+txtWidth+xSpace " y" vertical " w" butWidth " h" 2*inputHeight+yspace " gButAuto vButCaption", % "Auto-Update`n" . (immediateExec ? "On" : "Off")
vertical += inputHeight + ySpace
Gui, Font, % "s" myFontSize, % myFont
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" xMargin " y" vertical " w" txtWidth " h" inputHeight " gEditUpdated vtxtInput",
Gui, Font
Gui, Font, % "s" myFontSize, % myFont
vertical += inputHeight + ySpace
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" xMargin " y" vertical " w" txtWidth+xSpace+butWidth " h" outputHeight " vtxtOutput " ; disabled"
Gui, Font
vertical += OutputHeight+yMargin
Gui, Show, % "w" txtWidth+xSpace+butWidth+2*xMargin " h" vertical, % myTitle
GuiControl, focus, txtInput ; focus on the command input for entry
; GuiClose() - Exit app when GUI closes
GuiClose() {
; butSubmit() - No-size button to capture Enter keystrokes when auto-update is off
butSubmit() {
EnterWasPressed := True
if firstRun and !immediateExec ; set auto-update after the first command is executed if it's not set already
EditUpdated() ; on subsequent
; EditUpdated()
EditUpdated() {
global ; easy access to GUI vars
Gui, Submit, NoHide
;tooltip Edit was updated: %txtInput%
if immediateExec or EnterWasPressed {
guiControl,, txtOutput, % RunWaitOneB(txtInput, WorkingDir)
EnterWasPressed := False
lasttxtInput := txtInput
Gui, Submit, NoHide
if (txtInput<>lastTxtInput)
setTimer, EditUpdated, -1
; ButGo() - Called every time the user clicks auto-execute True/False Button
ButAuto() {
immediateExec := !immediateExec
guiControl,, butCaption, % "Auto-Update`n" . (immediateExec ? "On" : "Off")
if immediateExec
; RunWaitOne() - From AutoHotkey Help for RunWait (has annoying command prompt flash up)
RunWaitOne(command) {
shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell") ; WshShell object: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aew9yb99
exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command) ; Execute a single command via cmd.exe
return exec.StdOut.ReadAll() ; Read and return the command's output
; RunWaitOneB() - Get stdout by writing to a temp file vs. reading the buffer
RunWaitOneB(command, WorkingDir:=".") {
tmpFile := A_Temp . "\temp.txt"
FileDelete, %tmpFile%
RunWait, %comspec% /c %command% > %tmpFile%, %WorkingDir%, Hide
FileRead, output, %tmpFile%
return output