Как насчет одного из них. , ,
Ресурс: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174005-prompt-for-variable-in-dos-71/
Пример test.bas можно использовать:C:\DOS71\QBASIC /run test.bas
REM Get the users input.
INPUT "Enter the system Serial Number"; reply$
REM Show the value of the reply.
PRINT reply$
REM Return to the system.
editvar -p "Enter the system Serial Number." INPUT
rem temp.exe /ss %INPUT%
md %INPUT%
Онлайн эмулятор: https://archive.org/details/msdos_qbasic_megapack
Ресурс: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/81360
Editor is a full screen text editor. QBasic is a program that reads instructions written in Basic and interprets them into executable computer code.
The EDIT command starts Editor from the command prompt. QBASIC starts the QBasic Interpreter from the command prompt. Both Editor and QBasic may be executed with a switch or combination of switches to enhance or modify their performance. The following is a description of the switches available and how they affect Editor and QBasic:
Switch Description
------ -----------
/B Displays Editor or QBasic in black and white. This switch
should be used to run Editor or QBasic on a monochrome
monitor with a color graphics card. If the Editor or
QBasic pull-down menus do not show the short cut keys on a
CGA monitor, then use the /B switch when starting Editor
or QBasic.
/G Use this switch with a CGA monitor to provide the fastest
screen updating.
/H Use this switch to display the maximum number of lines on
the screen that the monitor supports.
/NOHI Editor and QBasic are designed for 16 color monitors, but
this switch allows Editor or QBasic to function on an
eight color monitor. If Editor or QBasic pull-down menus
do not show the short cut keys on a system that does not
support bold characters, use the /NOHI switch when
starting Editor or QBasic.
The following switches may be used only with QBasic:
Switch Description
------ -----------
/EDITOR Invokes Editor.
/MBF Converts the built-in functions MKS$,MKD$,CVS$, and CVD
to MKSMBF$, MKDMBF$, CVSMBF, and CVDMBF, respectively.
/RUN Runs a specified Basic program before displaying it.
To start Editor with the /NOHI switch, type the following command at the command prompt:
edit /nohi
To start QBasic and run the program MYPROG.BAS, type the following at the command prompt:
qbasic /run myprog.bas
"MS-DOS User's Guide and Reference," versions 5.0 and 5.0a, pages 459, 547