Я столкнулся со странной проблемой, когда Automtor.app на Snow Leopard вылетает при запуске. В какой-то момент в прошлом я помещал копию iPhoto.app в свой публичный каталог, чтобы скопировать его на другой компьютер. Теперь Automator.app не запустится, если в моем общедоступном каталоге не будет копии iPhoto.app. Если я удаляю его, Automator.app вылетает при запуске.

Вот что происходит:

  1. Запустить Automator.app
  2. После появления строки меню Automator, но до появления каких-либо окон я получаю страшный пляжный мяч на несколько секунд
  3. Автоматизатор вылетает

Вот вывод из Console.app:

12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Add Movie to iDVD Menu” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Get iDVD Slideshow Images” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Initiate Remote Broadcast” could not be loaded because the application “QuickTime Broadcaster” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “New iDVD Menu” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “New iDVD Movie Sequence” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “New iDVD Slideshow” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “New QuickTime Slideshow” could not be loaded because the application “QuickTime Player” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Set iDVD Background Image” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Set iDVD Button Face” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Set Movie Annotations” could not be loaded because the application “QuickTime Player” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Set Movie Playback Properties” could not be loaded because the application “QuickTime Player” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Set Movie URL” could not be loaded because the application “QuickTime Player” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:24 PM Automator[11736]    The action “Show Main iDVD Menu” could not be loaded because the application “iDVD” was not found.
12/26/09 2:11:25 PM Automator[11736]    Can not ID UTI for path The value %@ is invalid.: The file “The value %@ is invalid.” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
12/26/09 2:11:25 PM Automator[11736]    Can not ID UTI for path /Users/brimhall/Public/iPhoto.app: The file “iPhoto.app” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
12/26/09 2:11:25 PM Automator[11736]    Can not ID UTI for path The value %@ is invalid.: The file “The value %@ is invalid.” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
12/26/09 2:11:26 PM Automator[11736]    -[NSAttributeDictionary length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x49c770
12/26/09 2:11:26 PM Automator[11736]    -[NSAttributeDictionary length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x49c770
12/26/09 2:11:38 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[203]  ([0x0-0x2ad2ad].com.apple.Automator[11736]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault

Я попытался удалить мой файл настроек Automator.app и каталог поддержки приложений, чтобы он нашел iPhoto.app в системном каталоге приложений, но безрезультатно. Любые предложения о том, как я могу заставить все работать как обычно?

1 ответ1


Этот вопрос был решен на форумах Apple.

По сути, повторное повторное повторное удаление ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Automator.plist и затем удаление моих действий пользователя (~/Library/Automator/*.action) сделали свое дело.

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