Я просто проверял журналы маршрутизатора, чтобы увидеть, какая информация хранится, и я нахожу этот файл:

"May 14 21:13:36  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:13:28  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:41  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:34  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:32  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:31  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:31  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:29  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:28  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:12:00  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:11:54  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:11:51  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:10:20  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:10:16  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:10:14  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:10:03  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:09:57  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:09:54  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:03:21  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:03:15  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:03:12  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:02:04  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:01:55  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:01:15  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:01:11  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:01:09  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 21:00:04  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:59:58  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:53  ","Xmas port scan attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:47  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:44  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:41  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:38  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:38  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:58:35  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:56:53  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:55:10  ","Xmas port scan attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:53:12  ","DHCP: Server sending ACK to (Lease time = 86400)"
"May 14 20:53:12  ","DHCP: Server receive REQUEST from 70:54:d2:3b:b0:9f."
"May 14 20:52:55  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from N/A (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:52:07  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from N/A (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:52:05  ","DHCP: Client receive ACK from, IP=, Lease time=7200."
"May 14 20:49:31  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:49:27  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:49:25  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:47:00  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:46:54  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:46:51  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:46:35  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:46:30  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:46:27  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:43:55  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:43:50  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:43:47  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:43:43  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:43:37  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:43:34  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:41:34  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:41:27  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:41:18  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:41:16  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:41:10  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:41:07  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:36  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:27  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:14  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:13  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:10  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:08  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:05  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:40:05  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:38:50  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:38:46  ","Xmas port scan attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:38:36  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:38:30  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:38:27  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:38:14  ","DHCP: Server sending ACK to (Lease time = 86400)"
"May 14 20:38:14  ","DHCP: Server receive REQUEST from 00:0c:f6:be:d5:aa."
"May 14 20:37:43  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:37:37  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:37:31  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:37:23  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:37:19  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:37:17  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:37:00  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:36:54  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:36:53  ","Xmas port scan attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:36:51  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:34:23  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:34:23  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:34:21  ","Xmas port scan attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:34:17  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:34:14  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:33:56  ","Xmas port scan attack from WAN (ip: detected."
"May 14 20:32:20  ","PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN (ip: detected."


... и это продолжается.

Это какая-то DDOS-атака (я бы сильно сомневался в этом) или это просто нормально получать такое количество пинг-запросов?

Я упомяну, что наш интернет-провайдер вчера назвал нас "большими тратителями", и теперь мы вынуждены заниматься узкополосной связью до конца месяца. Это может быть глупый вопрос, но я, по крайней мере, кое-что узнаю.


1 ответ1


В этом случае, кажется, это именно то, что говорится. Если вы отправите журналу вашему провайдеру по почте журналы, возможно, он восстановит вас по широкополосной сети, поскольку это явно не тот трафик, который вам нужен.

Всё ещё ищете ответ? Посмотрите другие вопросы с метками .