У меня есть сотни папок на диске A, которые я хочу перенести на диск B. В корне диска B я хочу, чтобы папки с диска A помещались в папки, каждая из которых содержит по 100 папок. Как это можно сделать в Windows?
1 ответ
Вот немного PowerShell ...
[string]$source = "C:\Source Folder"
[string]$dest = "C:\Destination Folder"
# Number of folders in each group.
[int]$foldersPerGroup = 100
# Keeps track of how many folders have been moved to the current group.
[int]$movedFolderCount = 0
# The current group.
[int]$groupNumber = 1
# While there are directories in the source directory...
while ([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($source).Length -gt 0)
# Create the group folder. The folder will be named "Group " plus the group number,
# padded with zeroes to be four (4) characters long.
[string]$destPath = (Join-Path $dest ("Group " + ([string]::Format("{0}", $groupNumber)).PadLeft(4, '0')))
if (!(Test-Path $destPath))
New-Item -Path $destPath -Type Directory | Out-Null
# Get the path of the folder to be moved.
[string]$folderToMove = ([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($source)[0])
# Add the name of the folder to be moved to the destination path.
$destPath = Join-Path $destPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($folderToMove))
# Move the source folder to its new destination.
[System.IO.Directory]::Move($folderToMove, $destPath)
# If we have moved the desired number of folders, reset the counter
# and increase the group number.
if ($movedFolderCount -ge $foldersPerGroup)
$movedFolderCount = 0