Есть ли способ отобразить стандартный ввод строки оболочки отдельно от стандартного потока вывода? Это кажется очень простым вопросом, но я не заметил, что многие люди спрашивают об этом по какой-то причине
В частности, я пытаюсь избежать слияния входных данных со стандартными выходными (и стандартными ошибками) распечатками. Например, я пытаюсь избежать следующего сценария:
$while true; do echo "Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?"; sleep 1.5; done
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
whaHello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
t Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
stopHello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
whyHello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Вместо этого я хочу что-то похожее на это:
$while true; do echo "Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?"; sleep 1.5; done
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
Hello there. Sorry to barge in; were you busy?
>>unsent linefeed content appears fixed over here
Доступна ли эта функция для распространенных реализаций Linux-терминалов? Если нет, то есть ли программа ncurses
способная сделать это?